wedding photography Archives - Kirsten Kizerian - West End Girl Lifestyle and Graphic Design Blog Thu, 18 Jan 2018 19:22:00 +0000 en-US hourly 1 wedding photography Archives - Kirsten Kizerian - West End Girl 32 32 Erin Hoyt Photography Tue, 28 Feb 2017 20:28:53 +0000 This was such a fun branding job to work on because I felt really inspired. Lately it’s been hard with the littles and I am feeling kind of burned out/bored but doing this project really helped me remember why I love doing design. I get to make people look good, and what could be cooler...

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This was such a fun branding job to work on because I felt really inspired. Lately it’s been hard with the littles and I am feeling kind of burned out/bored but doing this project really helped me remember why I love doing design. I get to make people look good, and what could be cooler than that. I really do believe image of a company can sell more than a good salesman. It’s like going to the mall, you don’t even walk into the stores that have a bad logo and bad window display, yet they may have exactly what you are looking for.

Since I was little I have always loved making things beautiful, I would give makeovers to whoever would let me, I would color and paint things to beautify them and when my Professor asked me why I wanted to be a designer I said because I want to make the world a more beautiful place. Yes, I’m a dreamer, and I love that about myself. My husband laughs when I give him answers like that but it keeps me sane to believe I can do something amazing for other people even if it’s at a small scale like designing a logo or doing a pretty wedding invitation.

Erin Hoyt is an amazing photographer from the Chicago area that wanted a clean, classic urban look like most of the weddings she shoots. We decided on this logo because it had a good balance of all of the above. I also love how she wanted to add a touch of really pale pink to bring in a softer look.

The post Erin Hoyt Photography appeared first on Kirsten Kizerian - West End Girl.

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